The #RekaiCentres staff were the first in #Ontario to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines at The Michener Institute at University Health Network in Toronto. This marked the beginning of the end of the #covid19pandemic, and a challenging year for long-term care facilities across Canada. We want to celebrate the incredible staff members that demonstrated courage and commitment to their patients by being the first in the province to become vaccinated.
Anita Quidangen, PSW
Lucky Aguila, Registered Practical Nurse
Derek Thompson, PSW
Cecile Lasco, PSW
Colette Cameron, Registered Nurse
Sue Graham-Nutter, CEO
As of January 5th, 2021, the residents of Rekai Centres were fully #vaccinated, as were 77% of their staff. Their staff members worked tirelessly throughout the outbreak, spending many hours in overtime and often sleeping in hotels nearby to isolate from their families at home. They were honoured by Premier Doug Ford for their leadership in the immunization process and for representing all of the front-line workers that embody the altruistic spirit that makes us proud to be #Canadian.